bush barn art center

Winter Light at Bush Barn Art Center

I’m pleased to have two pieces in the Winter Light show at Bush Barn Art Center, from the Salem Art Association. It’s up now through December 24; here’s a little more about the show:

In the dark, gloomy days of winter, light plays an important role in lifting the spirits and brightening lives around the world. To counteract the darkness, cultures – both here and abroad – hold festivals of light. This exhibition showcases the many different people living together in the Willamette Valley and celebrating winter with their own, unique customs.

Salem Art Association, in collaboration with Salem Multicultural Institute, presents Winter Light, a juried exhibition of the work of local artists, depicting the beauty of light in the still, quiet moments found in nature and in the warmth of hearth and home.

Check it out!

Analog collage with found and vintage papers; the central image is a photograph of four humans warming themselves around a fire