A lone woman waits, the morning commute ahead of her.

The glory of spring
The flowers are in bloom; spring has sprung, and it's perfect for walks here and there. We're particularly enjoying heading down by Lake Washington, near Seward Park.
So very Seattle
Graffiti on Pine Street.
Merry and bright
Seasons greetings from downtown Seattle, where the street lights shine admirably on the rain-slicked sidewalks.
To nowhere
One day, the "ramps to nowhere" will be no longer, but before they're torn down, the pointless structures have been elevated to art. It's hard to see the beams wrapped in mirror here; nonetheless, you should go check them out, paddle around them---a lovely Seattle space, for now.
Around Seattle Center
Amid the bustle of Northwest Folklife, these white structures stood serene in Seattle's sun.