Weird news of the day, from my own backyard! reports:
Moses, a 1,200- to 1,500-pound Bactrian camel (that's the two-hump kind) got himself stuck in a sinkhole on his owners' rural Oregon City property late Tuesday night. Mike and Kim Dilworth, who've owned Moses since he was just weeks old, could see only the animal's head sticking out of the mud.
They tried pulling him out on their own, using a 4-wheel drive Kawasaki Mule but Moses didn't budge. His long, skinny legs were deep in the mud. Normally a mellow camel, Moses loud bellowing could be heard across the Dilworth's property.
About 9:45 p.m., the couple called 9-1-1 to ask for help. Soon, seven firefighters with Clackamas County Fire District No. 1 descended on the 10-acre property, where the family also tends a small herd of goats, sheep, chickens and a pot-bellied pig named Sonny.