2010 in books: What I read

Definitely not going to finish The American Language (HL Mencken) or The Metropolis Case (Matthew Gallaway) before midnight, so here, with little comment, and in no particular order, are the books that fed my brain between January and December (favorites bolded):

  1. Another Bullshit Night in Suck City, Nick Flynn
  2. Sacred Games, Vikram Chanda
  3. Freedom, Jonathan Franzen
  4. Lush Life, Richard Price
  5. Sunset Park, Paul Auster
  6. The Imperfectionists, Tom Rachman
  7. Like Life, Lorrie Moore
  8. Lit, Mary Karr
  9. Birds of America, Lorrie Moore
  10. Flaubert's Parrot, Julian Barnes
  11. Anatomy of an Epidemic, Robert Whitaker
  12. Rumpus Women, compilation
  13. C, Tom McCarthy
  14. The Street of Crocodiles, Bruno Schulz
  15. My Dog Tulip, JR Ackerley
  16. Make Believe, Joanna Scott
  17. The Manikin, Joanna Scott
  18. The Black Minutes, Martin Solares
  19. Half Life, Shelley Jackson
  20. The Places in Between, Rory Stewart
  21. Three Cups of Tea, Greg Mortenson
  22. A Short History of Women, Kate Walbert
  23. Lowboy, John Wray
  24. You Are Here, Meenakshi Madhavan
  25. The White Mary, Kira Salak
  26. Istanbul, Orhan Pamuk
  27. The Shadow of the Wind, Carlos Ruiz Zafron
  28. Out Stealing Horses, Per Petterson
  29. Fugitives and Refugees, Chuck Palahniuk
  30. The 42nd Parallel, John Dos Passos
  31. The Yiddish Policemen's Union, Michael Chabon
  32. The Help, Kathryn Stockett
  33. The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, Stieg Larsson
  34. The Girl Who Played With Fire, Stieg Larsson
  35. The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest, Stieg Larsson
  36. Room, Emma Donoghue
  37. The Many Deaths of the Firefly Brothers, Thomas Mullen
  38. Possible Side Effects, Augusten Burroughs
  39. A Visit From the Goon Squad, Jennifer Egan
  40. Shutter Island, Dennis Lehane
  41. Let the Great World Spin, Colum McCann
  42. The History of Love, Nicole Krauss
  43. Bad Marie, Marcy Dermansky
  44. The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake, Aimee Bender
  45. Bright-Sided, Barbara Ehrenreich
  46. Ghosted, Shaughnessy Bishop-Stall
  47. Kapitoil, Teddy Wayne
  48. The Hunger Games, Suzanne Collins
  49. Catching Fire, Suzanne Collins
  50. Mockingjay, Suzanne Collins
  51. Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter, Mario Vargas Llosa
  52. The Coast of Akron, Adrienne Miller
  53. The Vagrants, Yiyun Li
  54. Moth Smoke, Mohsin Hamid
  55. The Territory of Men, Joelle Fraser
  56. Madness and Civilization, Michel Foucault
  57. The Historian, Elizabeth Kostova
  58. Jeff in Venice, Death in Varanasi, Geoff Dyer
  59. The Little Stranger, Sarah Waters
  60. Await Your Reply, Dan Chaon
  61. War, Sebastian Junger
  62. A Gate at the Stairs, Lorrie Moore
  63. The Ask, Sam Lipsyte
  64. Little Bee, Chris Cleave

Hey, cool -- that's more than a book a week! Maybe next year, I'll make it an even 100. Not sure what to take away from this; apparently, I like women writers, I like fiction more than nonfiction, and I skew toward white American writers?

Anyone want to borrow a book? Lemme know. The lending library is open in Astoria. Also, my beloved book club has more or less disbanded. New year, new group?